NOTE : Names of the vegetation are on Spanish and is given its scientific name on the names between parentheses ( ).

Name of Vegetation Place(s) where is common to find it
JUAN PRIMERO (Simaruba Glauca) LLano Costero del Caribe (the coastal plain of the Caribbean) and the Septentrional Cordilleras
ANON of MAJAGUA(Lonchocarpus pentaphyllus)
JAGUA (American Genipa)
GUARAGUAO or GRIGRI (Bucida Buceras)
YAYA(Oxandra Lanceolata)
Amacey (Tetragastris Balsamifera)
FUSTETE(Chlorophora tinctoria) Luperon, Imbert and Village Isabel
Campeche (Haematoxylon campechianum) Puerto Plata and Santiago's boundaries
LIRIO (Hippeastrum puniceum) San Pedro de Macoris
CARACOLI((Pithecellobium berterianum) Enriquillo, Barahona and Azua
GUACIMA(Guazuma Ulmifolia) LLano Costero del Caribe and Barahona
PALO DE LECHE (Rauwolfia nitida)
PENDA(Citharexylum Fruticosum) San Jose de la Matas, Santiago, La Romana and Barahona
CORBANO(Pithecellobium berterianum)

Source : Archivo Historico de Santiago.


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2007 - Juan A. Cárdenes. All rights reserved. For Information only.